Hôtel à Milton
The Eye Collection inhabited a 1950’s residence designed by Mario Pani in Anzures neighborhood in Mexico City. Lemaire coined the house with the nickname: Milton’s Hotel. Inside of his realm, Lemaire created environments full of character with his pieces. You could always find touches of humor, ingenuity, and play embedded in his displays. An eclectic but tasteful style 1920s to the 1970s. Different periods and styles are mixed in harmony by following the exquisite taste of the collector. This intimate coexistence revives the objects and gives them new meaning. The dialogue between the objects and the viewer enables a connection through history and creates long-lasting experiences covered in memories from a recent past. Eye Collection is an integrated set of applied arts, decorative arts, and twentieth-century design. Alexandre Lemaire invites us to imagine and experience collecting as an art of living a world of intimate encounters with inexplicably fascinating objects.